Ralph's Rants and Raves
Do they think we are all stupid? Well some of us will vote for a particular person because they gave them something.
We are now coming to a phase in this country where there class of people that depend on Government has grown out of control where as a voting block they do more harm to the country then we know. And now we come to Christmas Eve teetering on the fiscal Cliff.
Who knows what is in the future although all we need is to look into the past. Are we so naive that we don't think that what has happened in the past cannot happen to us? Yes History does repeat it self. It has happened time and time again. Yet we forge forward in to a blind bliss as we are lead around like Sheep.
Now we must take the Guns away from the Dangerous public. But yet who is the dangerous one? We the People or them the Government.
Another rant. The Banks can go to the Federal Reserve bank and borrow any amount of money at no interest, then they are suppose to lend it to companies and people to get the economy going. But yet they choose to lend it back to the Federal Reserve Bank at 3% interest. This is all stinks because it is the taxpayers money. Hey Assholes where is my 3%
Now back to the Cliff. It is now Sunday before we go over the cliff and what does our fearless leader do? He gives the congress and the all deserving Joe Biden a raise in pay. When the rest of the country is getting a raise in Taxes the people that got us into this mess is giving themselves a raise. Yet we voted them in office or should I say that the free stuff people voted them in. I on the other hand only vote for the losing people.
Well its the 19th of January 2013 and we just lost some more Americans overseas to the bad guys, the same ones that our leader told us he had them on the run. Americans you are on your own. Don't think if you go over seas that your country will come to your rescue when you find yourself in trouble. But be sure they are conformable living the high life on the back of the working class.
Blood comes out of my Eyes.
Well my little Blog it's been quite a while since I've been here (May 24, 2012) and buddy there has been quite of water under the bridge. Our President now has Three scandals about to rock his world. Here now I am have a Nixon flashback. My biggest fear is the President has to resign the my Buddy Joe with be driving this ship and we are sure to sink like a rock.
OMG it is February 14 lot's of poop under the bridge. Obama is changing and delaying the Obama care law. It was voted in as a tax. It is killing the economy. No jobs No work and gas is still 3:39 a gallon.
Can the president change a law is it Constitutional? This is what happens when the government is not working the correct way. It happens every time the human race try's this. Greed and corruption gets in the way. Until we can over come this flaw in our population we will be stuck in this revolving door. Oh yea I see it now as do some other people. We can talk about it but can we change it?
The Government accounting office now tell us how many jobs will be lost because of the Obamacare and the spin is how good it will be to not have a job because you will have more time to spend with your family. Really!!!!!!!
And now John Kerry say Climate change (not Global Warming) is just as bad as weapons of mass destruction. Blood is shooting out of my eyes.
03-04-14 Russia test-fires ICBM our President is Weak and with no direction. Russia has invaded the Ukraine. Obama Care has been postponed by our great leader once again today. uh that makes it over 20 time he had changed the law with out Congress. Just take that Constitution and wipe your but with it.
03-15-15 Wow we have a Plane with 260 some people missing.
Just vanish off in the Indian ocean some place. Did it get hijacked or did it just crash? There is No wreckage any where.
The Russians are invading the Ukraine, some kind of referendum to join Russia, Obama and Secretary of State Kerry puffing out their chest trying to scare Putin. I'm sure he is shaking in his American made cowboy Boots.
Where are we as a country? I tell you where, we should be renamed The United States of Mashed Potatoes!!!!!!!
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